Eggs & Chickens & Friends


Recently we paid a visit to our friend Heidi Gogins and her husband Mike at their farmhouse in Delaware County.

Heidi brings us many dozen of her gorgeous eggs weekly. If you’ve eaten a Madeleine, a Cream Puff or a slice of Honey Bee cake you’ve experienced Heidi’s extraordinary eggs.









Her home is a sweetly situated farmhouse, down a hill and over a bridge at the end of a road.








Heidi also owns the last sheet music store in Manhattan. The New York Times wrote this great piece about her store – a vanishing breed in this new world of the free download




She prepared a lovely lunch on this fantastic vintage stove








There are many breeds of chickens, of all stripes and hues. Heidi’s eggs are pale blue, green, cream, tan, brown.





The yolks are incredibly rich, delicious and orange – this is a typical breakfast for me!








This a video about Heidi’s shop in  NYC



The Honey Bee Cake's Honey Butter Cream











The Honey Bee Cake’s Honey Butter Cream showcases the deep orange yolk and silken texture of a true farm egg


12 Large Egg Yolks from pastured farm chickens


6 fl oz Clover Honey (Widmark Farm)


2 lbs Sweet Cream Butter (must be softened)

  1. Beat the egg yolks until light in colour with a whisk attachment in the bowl of a stand mixer.
  2. Meanwhile heat the honey, stirring constantly, until it comes to a rolling boil.
  3. Immediately transfer it to a bowl (or Pyrex measuring cup)  to stop the cooking.
  4. Temper the honey into the egg yolks in several batches with the machine off. Mix BETWEEN additions. Do not drop honey onto the whisk. Pour directly on yolk mixture.
  5. Continue beating until completely cool.
  6. Switch from the whisk to the paddle attachment
  7. Gradually beat in the butter.
Finally a favourite quote:

“Oh, God above, if heaven has a taste it must be an egg with butter and salt, and after the egg is there anything in the world lovelier than fresh warm bread and a mug of sweet golden tea?”
Frank McCourt, ‘Angela’s Ashes’ (1996)


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January 2025

The Village TeaRoom

10 Plattekill Ave, New Paltz, NY 12561
